Matiin is an amature Malaysian Still Life Photographer. At the age of 12(2008), his dad baught him a Nikon DSLR. After all the learning process taught by his father, his interest in photgraphy began to become more serious. Thanks to concerted efforts for nearly a year, matiin Salehoddin eventually was appointed as the official photographer of his school. About a year ago(2009), one of his picture have been published in the local newspapers in conjunction with Teachers Day and recently, his photo "Morning Fog" has been shortlisted in the Digital Camera Young Photographer of the year 2010 competition. As a result, he decided to make his own blog to share his artwork to the world. He's now sitting for his PMR(9th grade) examination.
Semalam telah berlangsungnya party b'day cik sham di larkin, Tak ramai yg dtg,cuma keluarga je. Party tu start dlm pkl 8.00 mlm lebih kat larkin. Party tu simple je tapi best. Ha ni ada nak cerite sikit, ada satu budak tu, dia tgh merajuk time party tu berlangsung. Lps tu adalah org suruh amik gamba dia tgh merajuk bwh meja. Pastu sy pon amik la gamba dia tanpa tgk bawah,konon -konon tgh tengok siling je. Sekali lps saya amik gamba je flash pun keluarlah dan semua org ketawa. Jadi budak tu pon perasan dia kena amik gamba. Then, dia bangun dari bwh meja, berdiri dan terus tumbok blkg badan saya. Saya yg tgh ketawa jugak terus terdiam(mcm blur). Addduhhhh...punyalah sakit. Tapi masa tu buat mcm x sakitlah pasal ramai org.Heheheh....Sejak dari tu, sy terus x berani nak amik gamba dia masa merajuk. Budak yg dimaksudkan pakai baju hijau dan berambut pendek dan saya telah uploadkan gamba dia sekali.
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